Department of Food, Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs

7 Days

The public service guarantee Act time


Applications Received


Applications Approved


Applications Rejected

384 Days

Maximum Approval Time

1 Day

Minimum Approval Time

23 Days

Average Approval Time

192 Days

Median Approval Time
Last Updated Time : 18-Feb-2025 10:30:00 PM    (Updated every 15 minutes)

Online Application for Ration Card

Download Checklist

I do hereby solemnly affirm and declare as per the provisions of Section 199 & 201 of IPC that: -

  1. The information given is true.
  2. None of above persons are entered in any other Ration card in India.
  3. None of the persons mentioned above are in receipt of the ration from Army/ para military forces.
  4. None of above are residing abroad.
  5. None of my above mentioned sisters/daughters are married nor residing with me after marriage
  6. None of the persons mentioned are in receipt of regular diet from any Hostel/ Boarding House and their names are also not entered in the Ration cards issued for the Boarding/ Hostel.
  7. In case of any death / birth in the family, the names will be intimated within one month.

Instructions For Filling in the Application

  • The application should be filled completely while applying for a Ration card.
  • The persons coming from other state/ city / town/ village should attach cancellation / surrender / deletion / migration certificate issued by the previous card issuing authority.
  • In case of Tibetan, certificatefrom Tibetan Welfare Society or Tibetan Settlement Officer should be attached.

Checklist for Online Application:

  • Aadhaar Card Number
  • Proof of Resident
  • Caste Certificate(if applicable)
  • Differently abled/ physically challenged certificate (if applicable)
  • In case of Tibetans, certificate from Tibetan Welfare Society or Tibetan Settlement Officer.
  • Surrender/ deletion/ death/ birth/ marriage certificate/ court orders as per the requirement.

Procedure for the online service:

  • Visit the website
  • For Registration, user will do the mobile number and captcha validation at the home page of website after successful validation user will receive the OTP for login validation.
  • After Successful login user will navigate to citizen page in the main page, two options will be provided to the user in the page.
    • Ration Card Registration
    • Ration Card Registration status
  • Click on Ration Card Registration and completely fill the form and upload the supporting documents and click on submit.
  • On successful submission of the request, a unique reference number will be generated for reference purposes. The reference number will be forwarded to the user via SMS notifications.
  • After the successful submission of the New Ration Card request, the application will be received by the Inspector/Panchayat Secretary for review and approval.
    • Inspector/panchayat secretary will select the pending application and they will validate in the review screen and based on beneficiary eligibility inspector/ Panchayat Secretary will select the card type and approve the application.
    • After the request has been approved, the new Ration Card number will be generated.
    • SMS Notifications will be forwarded to the beneficiary for the updates of card status with New Ration Card number (if approved).
    • If rejected, the SMS notification will be forwarded with the comments of rejection.
    • User will visit the download the Ration card.
    • On the website the user will input the details of “Select input type” and “Ration card no.” and hit search.
    • After clicking on search user can see the his/her ration card and can print it

Applicable Fees

  • Ration card application and issuance is free in the Stateas we are not giving hard copy and is to be printed by the consumer on its own.